Travel Workouts
Explore our travel workouts—designed with minimal equipment so you can do them wherever you are, whether it’s in a hotel room, on the beach, or anywhere you find yourself. Enjoy the simplicity and freedom these workouts bring, making it easy to stay connected to your practice on the go!
Combine-it Legs 29/02/21. 14 min
Flow 4 21/04/21
Allow yourself this time to engage in movement, connecting to your body, moving to the beat. This is a great session to relax your mind while strengthening your body.
Tone Light 60
3lbs hand weights and 1.5 ankle weights (optional)
Super Tone Light (20 min)
Yoga Flow Session with Classical Music- 13/04/22
No equipment needed. This is a relaxing but energizing session, following your breath, moving to your pace. Lengthening and strengthening. I hope you love it. XX
Flow 1- 28/03/21. 16 minutes
Practice this flow during the week. You will find some of the moves on the Define session of this week. It's a perfect flow for you to do if you have little time. Combine it with some arms from the combine-it folder. I talk very little during this flow because I want you to connect with your body...
Combine it- Full Body No Equipment 28/09/22
Low impact cardio. Arms and legs. No equipment
FLOW - ( 14 min of yoga for a healthy spine and an open heart).
You may do this anytime. After a long day of work, or early in the morning. Let go. Breath we me and reconnect with yourself. No equipment needed.
With love,
Carolina -
In Five - Cardio
In five - Arms
Flow with nature sounds(no cueing)
No equipment. No cueing. Birds chirping are REAL.
I do 4 reps of each sequence. Hang in there to feel the flow. You may do it twice.Enjoy.
With love,
C -
Ballet Fusion 23
No equipment, just a bar or a high chair.
Very little cueing in this session, so try to observe, follow along and do more than once to find your flow.
This routine is amazing to lift, firm and sculpt the lowe body (including abs) -
Chair Fusion 23 (with Tone 123 arms)
You will need a chair. NO ANKLE WEIGHTS.
Combine it -Legs and arms in 10 minutes
You will need 3 lbs ankle weights and 3 lbs hand weights
Foundations - Full Body
For beginners and not beginners.
It’s actually for everyone.
Nice gentle and at the same time spicy full body workout.
Optional equipment:
2lb hand weights
Yoga block
1.5 ankle weights -
Foundations - Full Body Experience
No equipment needed but if you want to spice it up, use 3 lbs ankle weights or less