Tone express 189- in 20 minutes
Subtitled with option B for beginners or intermediate- Use 1.5lbs ankle weights -
Super simple version-Tone 178 (beginners)
Your first Swan Experience
You will need 3 lbs hand weights and 1.5 lbs ankle weights
Tone Express 177
Summer Ready - No equipment, simple version (beginner adequate)
Super Tone Light Tone 176
Tone 174 Express (in 20 min)
Tone 172 Express- In 20 min
Tone 170 EXPRESS (20min)
Tone Express 169 ( In 20 min)
Tone Express 167 (IN 20 min)
This is a short version of the assigned routine, for those days when all you’ve got is 20 min. Forget about the weights, grab a mat and move your body.
Tone Express 2
No equipment
Super Express 150
Tone express 101